Logo of "the vicarage by the sea" celebrating its 25th anniversary, featuring an illustration of two people standing at an open door looking out to the sea, symbolizing support for individuals living with dementia.

Our Mission:
Creating Social Change

Normalizing the Dementia Experience

Dr. Johanna Wigg and Cheryl Golek founded the Vicarge in 1998 to create a difference in the lives of those living with dementia.

Our philosophy believes that every human being deserves the opportunity to grow, regardless of age or ailment.

The Vicarage provides genuine care based on a psycho-social model. We emphasize the well-being of each resident’s mind, body, and spirit. Caregivers provide exceptional comfort and care while honoring each resident.

The normalization of the dementia experience is what defines The Vicarage culture. Our setting embraces and respects the individual reality of each person who lives with us.

We create an environment where social stigmas are lessened so our residents’ dignity and continued personal relationships grow.

The Vicarage seeks to enrich the quality of life of each individual. We offer empathic, holistic care in a home environment. We educate, involve, support and guide residents’ families and loved ones through each transition – to the end of each day and to the end of each life.

Five birds in silhouette flying against a plain background.

“At the time when she set up the Vicarage, Wigg says, dementia was taboo in America. ‘Really taboo. People were ostracised. People were put in wings, doors were shut. It was horrible, what happened. There was a tremendous amount of fear, that we were all going to get this, that you become a shell of yourself, that there’s really nothing left.’ She wanted to do something very different when she set up her own care home 20 years ago. ‘The goal was to destigmatise it; to say to the families that come for care – and I still say this every day in my work – “I’m so sorry that you’ve had such horrible experiences trying to have your loved one treated in a humane way. This is a different reality.”